Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Late Night painting

I woke up in the middle of the night and my mind was racing with an idea. And such a mood strikes me in the middle of the night, i cannot for the life me fall back to sleep so I get up and draw, paint, write, whatever. I do something to get the idea out of my head and on to paper.

So I painted a caricature of my friend Nolan. He is a innocent bystander in the idea. But when i got up and sat down to get the idea out of my head, he was so vivid in my mind at the time I had to start there first. My hope is that over the next few weeks i can get both him and the other characters animated for a little 30-60 second short in toon boom. That is if my life and all the other projects I am working on allow it. :D

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