Sunday, June 16, 2013

Work in Progress.

I'm working on the layout for a Table Top Game that I had been working on. I started the project 9 years ago, and it has been done for 3 years and just sitting on a shelf while I got life after College to a stable point.  Life is stable so now it is time to move on it. The game is a Table top RPG and will have everything you need to play the game in one book, that being said I wrote enough stuff for it for 3 books. So i am distilling everything down for one book.

Anyway, I am also working on the art direction of the game. The game itself is simi-serious high fantasy fair. However, having played rpgs since high school I know that the players will bring whatever mood or attribute to the game they want, no matter what the game designers intent was. I am experimenting with a styles and I think I have found one that works. Its not like the art work that you find in games like D&D and is much more closer to a style like Joann Sfar's Dungeon (or Donjon if your french).

Anyway, here is the first piece that I worked up for the game that i plan to use as a header for the Monster/Creature section of the Book.

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